Parents/guardians hereby grant Shelton Academy permission to contact the following medical personnel to obtain emergency medical care if warranted:
Only persons authorized IN WRITING may take your child. If your child is being picked up by an unauthorized person, please inform him/her that he/she must park and go directly to the Welcome Desk to present himself/herself and show identification-he/she will not be able to pick up your child using the Drive-Thru Pick-Up service. WE WILL NOT RELEASE YOUR CHILD TO ANY PERSON(S) NOT AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY THE PARENTS/GUARDIANS. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but please keep in mind that this policy is strictly enforced for the safety and protection of your child while he/she is in our care.
AGREEMENT: In the case that my child should suffer an accident or become ill, and the school is unable to reach us, I authorize the school to contact any of the people listed below, all of which are also authorized to pick up my child from school (unless stated otherwise}. It is my responsibility as a parent/guardian to keep this list current.
IMPORTANT: Please provide Bonaventure Town Center Club with copy of prescription for non-contagious illnesses or an Epipen if allergies are severe or life threatening.
I hereby give my consent to have my child participate in all activities at the Bonaventure Town Center Club. I realize that the Bonaventure Town Center Club will not be responsible for any minor injuries that might occur during the normal camp day (ex. scratched knee, cuts, bruises, etc.).Also, occasionally, an accident or extreme illness of a camper makes it necessary for camp personnel to call 911 in order for the child to receive the most immediate and appropriate attention and care. The legal responsibility for medical and transportation expense incurred on behalf of your child is a parental one.In case of any emergency, Bonaventure Town Center Club will attempt to reach either parent/guardian or the Emergency Number given by the parent/guardian in this authorization. If for any reason none of these parties are available, I authorize Bonaventure Town Center Club to use and transport to, the closest medical facility and grant permission to perform any emergency procedure at the discretion of that medical facility.
I am aware that the cost for the Aftercare program is $60.00 per session or $30 per week or $10.00 on a day to day basis and will be applied promptly at 3:30 p.m.
I hereby give my permission to Bonaventure Town Center Club and Carlos Tirado or any Summer Camp into the Club approved media to photograph and/or videotape my child during the time that he/she is enrolled at the Summer Camp. I waive the right to inspect or approve any photographs or digital video images before they are published and any use to which they may be put.
The photographs, video and or children’s work will be used for documentation, for news, professional presentations, and promotional footage used in support of Bonaventure Town Center Club, including the Art school’s website www.carlostirado’ and Carlos Tirade’s Facebook or lnstagram page where school related photographs and videos are posted.
I have read the above and hereby give my consent.
Accordingly to the Summer Camp Protocols RULES & REGULATIONS , you will find our Disciplinary practices. Discipline is important for the child’s physical safety and emotional welfare. At Bonaventure Town Center Club and Carlos Tirado Summer Camp Staff along with campers and parents/guardians create classroom Rules and Rights in order to posse’s clear guidelines that will help every person to cohabitate in a very respectful way.Staff facilitate the development of a safe and fun environment for both campers and staff. This is done through breathing exercises, stress releaseobjects to manipulate, constant dialogue, providing the child with a Safe Place and enough time to calm down. Behavior that may cause physical and/or emotional harm to other campers or staff with not be tolerated. In the event of an unacceptable situation where the child’s persistent behavioral problem continue, the Counselors will separate the child from the group or she/he will take the child to the director’s office. The Counselor/ Instructor or Staff will share her concerns with the director and will have a formal meeting with the parents/guardians to discuss possible factors and work on alternatives. If the issues continues, the removal of the camper from activity or program can also occur. If removal of camper occurs, no refunds will be given due to behavioral issues.I have received the written disciplinary policy from Bonaventure Town Center Club and I acknowledge that I have the obligation to read it.
• Camp is from 9:00am – 3:00pm
• A completed LIABILITY RELEASE WAIVER must be submitted at time of registration, for each camper. A liability release waiver must be completed by parents/legal guardians.
• Only registered campers will be allowed to participate in camp. Visitors (including parents, legal guardians, relatives, and/or nannies, etc.) will not be permitted.
• The main form of communication for weekly camp information and parent reminders is through email. Please be alert for these communications.
• In order to register, the following will be required for each camper:
• Completed Registration Form.
• Full Payment of camp registration fees (non-refundable);
• Camp Rules & Regulations signed by parent.
• Liability Release Waiver signed and notarized by parent/s;
• Cancellations/transfers up to two weeks prior to the start of a camp session will receive a full refund. Cancellations/ transfers with less than two weeks’ notice will not be refunded.
• All campers must be checked IN and OUT by their parent/legal guardian or authorized person that has been designated on the camper’s Registration Form. PHOTO ID WILL BE REQUIRED FOR CAMPER PICK-UP. All drop-off and pick-up will be done outside on the curb.
• Early Drop-off begins at 7:30am each day of camp.
• The final pick-up time is 5:30pm. An additional $5 late fee will be assessed for every 10 minute window thereafter, per camper.
• A safe, fun environment will be maintained. Behavior that may cause physical and/or emotional harm will not be tolerated. On-going/continued discipline problems may result in the camper being removed from the activity or the camper’s removal from the Summer Camp Program. Refunds will not be given for campers who have been removed from the program due to behavioral issues.
• 911 will be called immediately, followed by a call to the camper’s parent/legal guardian.
• Should a child require an emergency epi pen or emergency inhaler, an additional instructions and authorization form will need to be completed before camp begins. The epi pen will be kept in a secure location either at the camp facility or in possession of the Lead Counselor. No other medicine will be kept at the facility or by staff.
• If your child requires daily medicine, please make sure it is taken before arriving to camp or make arrangements with the Lead Counselor for you to visit the camp during the day to administer the medicine to your child.
• The Camp will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items. Camp staff asks that campers leave all cell phones, tablets, iPods/iPads, video games, toys, or other personal items at home, unless otherwise approved by Lead Counselor. The camp day is full of activities, so these items are not necessary. A phone is available for campers, should they need to contact a parent/guardian.
• Campers will have the option to purchase lunch. (weekly menu will be provided and purchased in advance).
• Campers will need to bring non-perishable lunch with them each day, unless otherwise specified or arranged.
• Lunches will not be stored in a refrigerator.
• There will be two specified snack times throughout the day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Please pack accordingly for your camper.
• Snacks are available for purchase at the camp facility from vending machines.
• Parents/Guardians are encouraged not to enter the building, as it helps with traffic flow. All drop-off and pick-up will be conducted outside on the curb in the main parking lot, in a similar fashion to the car rider process at schools.
• Do not leave your vehicle unattended at any time.
• If you arrive late to drop-off or arrive early to pick-up, please call the Lead Counselor/Administrator upon arrival to the building so camp staff can be notified
• A variety of activities will be scheduled to provide a diverse mix of indoor and outdoor fun. • Activities may include arts & crafts, sports clinics, structured outdoor games, board games, movies, and projects.
• Activities may include arts & crafts, sports clinics, structured outdoor games, board games, movies, and projects.
I agree as a condition of enrollment of my ,child _ in the Art or Sport Summer Camp to pay the required fees. The summer camp term fee is to be paid 1 week prior to the start of each session/week. If for any reason the camper is absent, or should the Bonaventura Town Center Club be inoperable due to a natural disaster (hurricane, flooding, etc.), the session fee must still be paid in full. Sessions/weeks cannot be prorated and are due in full, regardless of days missed.
I understand that these fees are due and payable in order for our child(ren) to remain in the program. If payment is not received 1 week prior to the start of the session/week, I understand that our child will not be allowed to attend that session/week until it is paid. I understand that the Bonaventure Town Center Club and/or Carlos Tirado Summer Camp shall have the right to commence legal action for nonpayment of applicable fees, and I will be responsible for all costs of collection, including court expenses and reasonable attorney’s fees. While the school will, whenever possible, provide the parents/guardians with necessary documentation for tax purposes, it is ultimately our responsibility to maintain our personal records of payment. All payments to Art/ Sport Summer Camp are non· refundable and non-transferable
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Early care Drop off.9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Daily camp activities/workshops.3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Art Workshop or Clay Workshop.
*For Extracurricular Activities, please request information (choices, fees, & hours) at the Club’s Welcome Desk.
I am registering my child for the following session(s)/week(s). A copy of this Agreement will be provided to me after the completion of the forms and appropriate payment of the registration fee.(Check your option(s) below):
$490 per session for members (2 weeks).$530 per session for no members (2 weeks)
$132 per week
$240 per session OR $30 per day
*10% discount per session if pay in advance three or more sessions together.**10% discount for 2nd child, 15% discount for 3rd or more children.